Electronic Publication/s

Toni Huber

Source of Life - Volume 2

ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-8269-6 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8680-9
Subject Area:

Toni Huber
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
Introduction 001
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
14. Bons – Alternative Reuses of Older Rites, Myths and Language 005
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
15. Old Cosmological and Ritual Precursors of the Srid-pa’i lha Cult 039
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
16. Regional Origins and Spread of the Cult – The Migrant Legacy 084
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
17. Ancient Roots to the East 149
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
18. Traces and Gaps Between East and West 215
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
Reflections III 241
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
Notes 367
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
References and Abbreviations 407
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
List of Illustrations and Picture Credits 449
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
Index 459
(Abstract) (PDF)

Toni Huber
Acknowledgements 497
(Abstract) (PDF)