Electronic Publication/s

Department for Nature Conservation, Vegetation‐ and Landscape Ecology, Faculty of Life Science, Universität Wien - Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien - Institute of Forest Resource Management and Rural Development, University of Sopron

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services as scientific foundation for the sustainable implementation of the Redesigned Biosphere Reserve “Neusiedler See”

ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-7289-5 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7289-5
Subject Area:

Thomas Wrbka - Christa Hainz-Renetzeder - Michael Kuttner - Anna Hermann - Christiane Brandenburg - Karen Ziener - Brigitte Allex - Ursula Liebl - Christina Czachs - Éva Konkoly‐Gyuró - Ágnes Tirászi - Pál Balázs - Valéria Bacsárdi
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services as scientific foundation for the sustainable implementation of the Redesigned Biosphere Reserve “Neusiedler See” 1
doi: 10.1553/bioserv-neusiedler-sees1
(Abstract) (PDF)