Electronic Publication/s

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen

Housing and Residential Segregation of Migrants

ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-6042-7 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7685-5
Subject Area: Sociology and Economics
approbated - online - print

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
Preliminaries page 1
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s1
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
Foreword page 5
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s5
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
Contents page 7
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s7
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
1 Introduction page 9
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s9
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
2 Policy context at the European level page 12
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s12
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
3 Key concepts page 22
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s22
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
4 The effects of segregation and access to affordable housing on integration page 39
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s39
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
5 Local housing policies for access to affordable and decent housing page 46
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s46
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
6 Local policies related to spatial segregation page 55
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s55
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
7 Outlook page 66
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s66
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
8 Bibliography page 67
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s67
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
9 Appendix: Important housing projects funded by the EU page 77
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s77
(Abstract) (PDF)

Wolfgang Bosswick - Heinz Fassmann - Josef Kohlbacher - Doris Lüken-Klassen
Authors page 82
doi: 10.1553/ISR_FB034s82
(Abstract) (PDF)