Electronic Publication/s

D. OTTOWITZ - S. HOYER - B. JOCHUM - Monika RIEGLER - Philipp PREUNER - A. SCOLOBIG - R. SUPPER Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

Long-term landslide monitoring for understanding of underlying dynamic processes as basis for an End-User focused early warning – LAMOND

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8308-2
Subject Area: Natural Science

D. Ottowitz - S. Hoyer - B. Jochum - Monika Riegler - Philipp Preuner - A. Scolobig - R. Supper
Long-term landslide monitoring for understanding of underlying dynamic processes as basis for an End-User focused early warning – LAMOND page 1
doi: 10.1553/ESS-Lamonds1
(Abstract) (PDF)