Proceedings of the GermEval Workshop 2018



Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

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Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

approbated - online



page iv

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

approbated - online

Michael Wiegand - Melanie Siegel - Josef Ruppenhofer

Overview of the GermEval 2018 Shared Task on the Identification of Offensive Language

page 1

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Manfred Klenner

Offensive Language without OffensiveWords (OLWOW)

page 11

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Melanie Siegel - Markus Meyer

h_da Submission for the Germeval Shared Task on the Identification of Offensive Language

page 16

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Michael Wiegand - Anastasija Amann - Tatiana Anikina - Aikaterini Azoidou - Anastasia Borisenkov - Kirstin Kolmorgen - Insa Kröger - Christine Schäfer

Saarland University’s Participation in the GermEval Task 2018 (UdSW) – Examining Different Types of Classifiers and Features

page 21

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Tom De Smedt - Sylvia Jaki

Challenges of Automatically Detecting Offensive Language Online: Participation Paper for the Germeval Shared Task 2018 ( H a UA )

page 27

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Matthias Bachfischer - Uchenna Akujuobi - Xiangliang Zhang

KAUSTmine - Offensive Comment Classification on German Language Microposts

page 33

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Julian Risch - Eva Krebs - Alexander Löser - Alexander Riese - Ralf Krestel

Fine-Grained Classification of Offensive Language

page 38

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Joaquín Padilla Montani - Peter Schüller

TUWienKBS at GermEval 2018: German Abusive Tweet Detection

page 45

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Tatjana Scheffler - Erik Haegert - Santichai Pornavalai - Mino Lee Sasse

Feature Explorations for Hate Speech Classification

page 51

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Dominik Stammbach - Azin Zahraei - Polina Stadnikova - Dietrich Klakow

Offensive Language Detection with Neural Networks for Germeval Task 2018

page 58

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Xiaoyu Bai - Flavio Merenda - Claudia Zaghi - Tommaso Caselli - Malvina Nissim

RuG at GermEval: Detecting Offensive Speech in German Social Media

page 63

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Bastian Birkeneder - Jelena Mitrovic - Julia Niemeier - Leon Teubert - Siegfried Handschuh

upInf - Offensive Language Detection in German Tweets

page 71

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Michele Corazza - Stefano Menini - Pinar Arslan - Rachele Sprugnoli - Elena Cabrio - Sara Tonelli - Serena Villata

InriaFBK at Germeval 2018: Identifying Offensive Tweets Using Recurrent Neural Networks

page 80

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Gregor Wiedemann - Eugen Ruppert - Raghav Jindal - Chris Biemann

Transfer Learning from LDA to BiLSTM-CNN for Offensive Language Detection in Twitter

page 85

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Julian Moreno Schneider - Roland Roller - Peter Bourgonje - Stefanie Hegele - Georg Rehm

Towards the Automatic Classification of Offensive Language and Related Phenomena in German Tweets

page 95

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Johannes Schäfer

HIIwiStJS at GermEval-2018: Integrating Linguistic Features in a Neural Network for the Identification of Offensive Language in Microposts

page 104

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Kristian Rother - Achim Rettberg

ULMFiT at GermEval-2018: A Deep Neural Language Model for the Classification of Hate Speech in German Tweets

page 113

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Samantha Kent

German Hate Speech Detection on Twitter

page 120

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Jian Xi - Michael Spranger - Dirk Labudde

CNN-Based Offensive Language Detection

page 125

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Dirk von Grünigen - Fernando Benites - Pius von Däniken - Mark Cieliebak - Ralf Grubenmann

spMMMP at GermEval 2018 Shared Task: Classification of Offensive Content in Tweets using Convolutional Neural Networks and Gated Recurrent Units

page 130

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online

Pruthwik Mishra - Vandan Mujadia - Soujanya Lanka

GermEval 2018 : Machine Learning and Neural Network Approaches for Offensive Language Identification

page 138

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online



page 1

ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-8435-5

Subject Area: Linguistics and Literature

refereed - online