
03 Cyber-sciences - cyber-humanities - cyber-social-sciences

Cyberscience, pp. 107, 2003/10/31

Research in the Age of the Internet

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Cyberscience will be different from traditional science. For two decades already, the scholarly community has witnessed a considerable increase in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). As opposed to "traditional" science that does without networked computers, the notion of "cyberscience" captures the use of these ICT-based applications and services for scientific purposes. The basic assumption of this study is that ICT use impacts on the basic parameters of how academia is organised, of how it functions, and of what it produces. This book describes and analyses the use of ICT in the academic world; it explains the status quo based on an analytical model; it draws a realistic and differentiated picture of probable future developments; it assesses the impact of ICT on various aspects of academic activity and on the substance of research; and it discusses the implications for research policy and the steering mechanisms within scholarly organisations. The overall conclusion is that we are in midstream of a forceful development. Cyberscience is already taking place, but will only develop its full shape and potential later. The new media have only just begun to play a central role in a large array of scholarly activities, and in regard to the institutional setting. Not only academic communication in the narrow sense, but also the distribution of knowledge and, most importantly, even knowledge production are affected. Hence, the impact of ICT can hardly be underrated.

Keywords: Disziplinenvergleich disciplinary comparison language studies Sprachwissenschaften Linguistik linguistics Slawistik Slavic studies Kulturwissenschaften cultural studies political science Politikwissenschaften European studies Europaforschung Soziologie sociology empirische Sozialwissenschaften empirical social research Sozialpolitikforschung social policy research social science studies of technology sozialwissenschaftliche Technikforschung biology Biologie molecular micro biology molekulare Mikrobiologie biotechnology Biotechnologie molecular oncology molekulare Onkologie evo-devo evolution-development history Geschichtswissenschaften Frühgeschichte early modern history nordamerikanische Geschichte north-American history pre-history Archäologie archaeology economy Wirtschaftswissenschaften political economy Volkswirtschaftslehre macroeconomics Makroökonomie regional economics Regionalwirtschaft physics Physik high-energy physics Hochenergiephysik fluorescence analysis Fluoreszenzanalyse surface physics Oberflächenphysik mathematics Mathematik constructivist mathematics konstruktive Mathematik K-theory K-Theorie number theory Zahlentheorie classical studies papyrology Papyriologie Medizin medicine cardiology Kardiologie neurology pain research Neurologie Schmerzforschung immunpathology Immunpathologie thorax anaesthesia Anästhesie philosophy Philosophie ethics risk analysis Ethik Risikoforschung analytical philosophy analytische Philosophie anthropology Anthropologie Völkerkunde pacific studies Latin-American studies Lateinamerikastudien Pazifikstudien Rechtswissenschaften law information law Informationsrecht European law Europarecht tax law Steuerrecht Cyberscience Cyber-Wissenschaft e-Science eScience telescience digital science digitale Wissenschaft information technologies communication technologies Informationstechnologien Kommunikationstechnologien ICT CMC computer mediated communication IKT IuK-Technologien Internet WWW STS science and technology studies Wissenschaftsforschung Technikforschung Technikfolgenabschätzung Technikfolgen-Abschätzung Technology Assessment Diffusionsforschung diffusion research