ITA Elektronische Publikation, pp. , 2006/02/22
Elektronische Publikation
This practitioner's manual presents in detail 13 participatory methods that are used in the framework of technology assessment studies: 21st Century Town Meeting, Charette, Citizens' Jury, Consensus Conference, Deliberative Polling, Delphi, Expert Panel, Focus Group, Participatory Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation (PAME), Planning Cell, Scenario Building Exercise, Technology Festival, World Café. Furthermore, the introduction explains what participation means and for which issues participatory methods can be adequately used. In addition, the toolkit contains ample practical guidelines and tips (check lists etc.). The manual is the German translation of the 2nd edition of the English original "Participatory Methods Toolkit", edited by the Flemish TA institute viWTA and the King Baudouin Foundation.