ITA manu:scripts, pp. , 2003/10/31
This paper gives an overview on the results of a broad research project on the theme information and communication technologies (ICT) in science and research (project "Cyberscience"). Following an introductory presentation of the diffusion of Internet applications in the various academic disciplines, the article discusses on specific aspects of the digitisation of research communication. Among them are role and functional changes and questions of access that are underdiscussed in technology studies so far and that have been not much discussed as regards the sciences. In addition, a number of further themes are outlined, in particular copyright issues and economic questions (decommodification of academic publishing), as well as technical and organisational questions such as archiving and quality control for Internet publications. This amounts to the general conclusion of a system in profound change. In the concluding chapter, these questions are discussed with a view to develop options and necessities for action in Austrian research policy.