ITA manu:scripts, pp. , 2016/10/18
This paper is a systematic comparison of 15 institutions world-wide, which deliver technology assessment (TA) services to their respective parliaments, i.e. perform parliamentary technology assessment (PTA). The fields of comparison are: the role of the parliamentarians (members of parliament) in the TA process; the institutional location inside or outside the parliament; the competence in the parliament for dealing with TA; the type of financing of PTA activities; the mission of the (P)TA institution; its legal status; how topics are selected; whether the topics have a narrower or wider technology notion; what the time frame for the chosen topics is; the working modes; the methods; the number of staff and budget; and finally how they communicate their results.
Keywords: parliamentary-technology-assessment foresight parliaments Austria Catalonia Denmark European-Union Finland France Germany Greece Netherlands Norway Poland Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA Wallonia