
Studying the Significance of Subaqueous Slides in Lake Hallstatt. (UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscape, Austria). S4LIDE - Hallstatt - PROJECT REPORT

    Michael Strasser, Marcel Ortler, Stefan Lauterbach

ESS-IGCP-S4LIDE-Hallstatt-Prospekt, pp. 1-51, 2023/07/12

doi: 10.1553/ESS-IGCP-S4LIDE-Hallstatts1

doi: 10.1553/ESS-IGCP-S4LIDE-Hallstatts1




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This ÖAW S4LIDE-Hallstatt project was conducted within the broader context of the IUGS-UNESCO International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project 640 - S4LIDE: “Significance of Modern and Ancient Submarine Slope LandSLIDEs” and piggy-backed the Hipercorig-Hallstatt-History (H3) Drilling Project that logged and sampled Lake Hallstatt´s complete Late Pleistocene-to-Holocene stratigraphic succession with a new innovative hydraulic coring system. With a dedicated focus on subaquatic landslide deposits we aimed at systematic investigation of mass transport deposits (MTD) embedded in the sedimentary sequence of Lake Hallstatt by state-of-the-art reflection seismic surveys, borehole logging and core scanning and dating techniques. We achieved establishment of an unprecedented long-term (spanning >11.500 years), high-resolution core-log-seismic-integrated event stratigraphy record of subaqueous mass movements in this intra-mountainous lake characterized by clastic input and very high sedimentation rates. Considering Lake Hallstatt as “natural laboratory” representative for other high-sedimentation rate environments, the new well-dated long-term record of subaquatic landslides will be added to the global datasets contributing to and continuing the international research efforts to address some of the most pressing research questions on geohazard, environmental implication and economic significance of submarine landslides, as tackled by the broad international research community within the IGCP-640 S4LIDE project.