ESS-Flowcast-Prospekt, pp. , 2023/10/04
Novel assessment and modelling of flow/storage domains in karst groundwater regimes
This report summarizes the background, progress, results, and changes to initial planning of the project Flowcast. An overview with essential information can be found within the first 20 pages. In order to enable concise reading, an introduction and background as well as methodology of the project is provided (chapters 1 to 3). Chapter 4 - General progress of the project – describes the temporal progress referred to calendar years 2019 to 2023. Chapter 5 - work plan, achievements and deviations – describes the realization of the planned work. Chapter 6 summarizes results and deviations. Chapter 7 and 8 give a conclusion and list of publication as well as further cited and relevant literature. For keeping the scope, detailed results are not given or discussed here, still part can be found in the appendix (separate pdf-file) and papers as listed in the references for further reading, part of publication is in state of preparation (eg. joint report of ESS groundwater cluster published by GeoSphere Austria).