VID Working Papers are occasionally published by the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2003. These working papers encompass work carried out at the VID and receive only limited review.
VID Working Paper 03/2024
Isabella Buber-Ennser - Caroline Berghammer - Maria Winkler-Dworak
VID Working Paper 02/2024
Moradhvaj Dhakad - Samir KC
VID Working Paper 01/2024
Thomas Fent - Stefan Wrzaczek - Gustav Feichtinger - Andreas Novak
VID Working Paper 05/2023
Andrea Tamburini - Arkadiusz Wiśniowski - Dilek Yildiz
VID Working Paper 04/2023
Ross Barker - Isabella Buber-Ennser - Yen Thi Hai Nguyen - Maria Rita Testa
VID Working Paper 03/2023
Yen Thi Hai Nguyen - Truc Ngoc Hoang Dang - Brian Buh - Isabella Buber-Ennser
VID Working Paper 02/2023
Dilek Yildiz - Arkadiusz Wiśniowski - Zuzanna Brzozowska - Afua Durowaa-Boateng
VID Working Paper 01/2023
Gustav Feichtinger - Roland Rau - Andreas J. Novák
VID Working Paper 03/2022
Ross Barker - Isabella Buber-Ennser
VID Working Paper 02/2022
Martina Siskova - Michael Kuhn - Klaus Prettner - Alexia Prskawetz
Does human capital compensate for depopulation?
VID Working Paper 01/2022
Brian Buh
VID Working Paper 03/2021
Brian Buh
Measuring the Effect of Employment uncertainty on Fertility in Europe (A literature review)
VID Working Paper 02/2021
Ana Lucia Abeliansky and Klaus Prettner
Population Growth and Automation Density: Theory and Cross-Country Evidence
VID Working Paper 01/2021
Magdalena Muszyńska-Spielauer and Marc Luy
Well-being adjusted health expectancy - a new summary measure of population health
VID Working Paper 05/2020
Markus Sauerberg
The role of education for assessing population health: An analysis of healthy life expectancy by educational attainment for 16 European countries
VID Working Paper 04/2020
Nandita Saikia, Moradhvaj Moradhvaj
Socioeconomic patterns and determinants of adult mortality due to external-causes in India: Analysis of nationally-representative, population-based survey data
VID Working Paper 03/2020
Marc Luy
Understanding the Cross-Sectional Association Between Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Years: The CroHaM Hypothesis
VID Working Paper 02/2020
Anne Goujon and Claudia Reiter
The future of the Protestant Church: Estimates for Austria and for the Provinces of Burgenland, Carinthia and Vienna
Deutsche Übersetzung
VID Working Paper 01/2020
Sonja Spitzer and Mujaheed Shaikh
Health Misperception and Healthcare Utilisation among Older Europeans
VID Working Paper 09/2019
Endale Kebede
The Relative Importance of Female Education on Fertility Desires in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multi-Level Analysis
VID Working Paper 08/2019
Maria Winkler-Dworak, Eva Beaujouan, Paola Di Giulio and Martin Spielauer
Simulating Family Life Courses: An Application for Italy, Great Britain, and Scandinavia
VID Working Paper 07/2019
Bernhard Hammer, Sonja Spitzer, Lili Vargha and Tanja Istenič
The Gender Dimension of Intergenerational Transfers in Europe
VID Working Paper 06/2019
Muhammad Asif Wazir and Anne Goujon
Assessing the 2017 Census of Pakistan Using Demographic Analysis: A Sub-National Perspective
VID Working Paper 05/2019
Yuri Yegorov, Dieter Grass, Magda Mirescu, Gustav Feichtinger and Franz Wirl
Growth and Collapse of Empires: A dynamic Optimization Model
VID Working Paper 04/2019
Vesper H. Chisumpa, Clifford O. Odimegwu and Nandita Saikia
Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa: What is Killing Adults Aged 15-59 Years in Zambia?
VID Working Paper 03/2019
Erich Striessnig and Jayanta Kumar Bora
Under-Five Child Growth and Nutrition Status: Spatial Clustering of Indian Districts
VID Working Paper 02/2019
Markus Speringer, Anne Goujon, Samir K.C., Michaela Potančoková, Claudia Reiter, Sandra Jurasszovich, Jakob Eder
Global Reconstruction of Educational Attainment, 1950 to 2015: Methodology and Assessment
Annex tables - data documentation
VID Working Paper 01/2019
Maria Rita Testa and Danilo Bolano
Intentions and Childbearing in a Cross-Domain Life Course Approach: The Case of Australia
VID Working Paper 13/2018
Anne Goujon, Claudia Reiter and Michaela Potancokova
Religious Affiliations in Austria at the Provincial Level: Estimates for Vorarlberg, 2001-2018
Deutschsprachige Zusammenfassung
VID Working Paper 12/2018
Sonja Spitzer, Angela Greulich and Bernhard Hammer
The Subjective Cost of Young Children: A European Comparison
VID Working Paper 11/2018
Santosh Jatrana, Ken Richardson and Samba Siva Rao Pasupuleti
The Effect of Nativity, Duration of Residence, and Age at Arrival on Obesity: Evidence from an Australian Longitudinal Study
VID Working Paper 10/2018
Natalie Nitsche and Sarah Hayford
Preferences, Partners, and Parenthood: Linking Early Fertility Desires, Union Formation Timing, and Achieved Fertility
VID Working Paper 9/2018
Bernhard Riederer
Experts’ Expectations of Future Vulnerability at the Peak of the “Refugee Crisis”
VID Working Paper 8/2018
Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska and Anna Matysiak
The Motherhood Wage Penalty: A Meta-Analysis
VID Working Paper 7/2018
Natalie Nitsche and Hannah Brückner
High and Higher: Fertility of Black and White Women with College and Postgraduate Education in the United States
VID Working Paper 6/2018
Éva Beaujouan
Late Fertility Intentions and Fertility in Austria
VID Working Paper 5/2018
Zuzanna Brzozowska, Isabella Buber-Ennser, Bernhard Riederer and Michaela Potančoková
Didn’t plan one but got one: unintended and sooner-than-intended births among men and women in six European countries
VID Working Paper 4/2018
Caroline Berghammer and Bernhard Riederer
The Part-Time Revolution: Changes in the Parenthood Effect on Women’s Employment in Austria
VID Working Paper 3/2018
Jayanta Kumar Bora, Rajesh Raushan and Wolfgang Lutz
Contribution of Education to Infant and Under-Five Mortality Disparities among Caste Groups in India
VID Working Paper 2/2018
Anna Matysiak, Tomáš Sobotka and Daniele Vignoli
The Great Recession and Fertility in Europe: A Sub-National Analysis
VID Working Paper 1/2018
Guy Abel, Valeria Bordone, Raya Muttarak and Emilio Zagheni
Bowling Together: Scientific Collaboration Networks of Demographers at European Population Conferences
VID Working Paper 19/2017
Natalie Nitsche
Partners’ Educational Pairings, Work Divisions, and Fertility: Evidence from Germany
VID Working Paper 18/2017
Wanda Spahl, Sabine Weiss, Judith Kohlenberger and Isabella Buber-Ennser
Immigration and the Social Welfare State in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland: A Comparative Meta-Study
VID Working Paper 17/2017
Roman Hoffmann
Following the Peers: The Role of Social Networks for Health Care Utilization in the Philippines
VID Working Paper 16/2017
Zuzanna Brzozowska and Monika Mynarska
Fertility Intentions and Their Realisation: Insights from the Polish Generations and Gender Survey
VID Working Paper 15/2017
Dilek Yildiz, Peter G.M. van der Heijden and Peter W.F. Smith
Estimating Population Counts with Capture-Recapture Models in the Context of Erroneous Records in Linked Administrative Data
VID Working Paper 14/2017
Zuzanna Brzozowska, Éva Beaujouan and Kryštof Zeman
Why Has the Share of Two-Child Families Stopped Growing? Trends in Education-Specific Parity Distribution in Low-Fertility Countries
VID Working Paper 13/2017
Bernhard Rengs, Isabella Buber-Ennser, Judith Kohlenberger, Roman Hoffmann, Michael Soder, Marlies Gatterbauer, Kai Themel and Johannes Kopf
Labour Market Profile, Previous Employment and Economic Integration of Refugees: An Austrian Case Study
VID Working Paper 12/2017
Eva Beaujouan and Caroline Berghammer
The Gap between Lifetime Fertility Intentions and Completed Fertility in Europe and the United States: A Cohort Approach
VID Working Paper 11/2017 and Human Fertility Database Research Report 2017-005
Dimiter Philipov
Rising Dispersion in Age at First Birth in Europe: Is it related to Fertility Postponement?
VID Working Paper 10/2017 and Human Fertility Database Research Report 2017-004
Everton E. C. Lima, Kryštof Zeman, Mathias Nathan, Ruben Castro and Tomáš Sobotka
Twin Peaks: The Emergence of Bimodal Fertility Profiles in Latin America
VID Working Paper 9/2017
Anne Goujon, Sandra Jurasszovich, Michaela Potancoková
Religious Denominations in Vienna and Austria: Baseline Study for 2016 - Scenarios until 2046
Deutschsprachige Zusammenfassung
VID Working Paper 8/2017
Maria Winkler-Dworak, Eva Beaujouan, Paola Di Giulio and Martin Spielauer
Union Instability and Fertility: A Microsimulation Model for Italy and Great Britain
VID Working Paper 7/2017
Maria Rita Testa and Francesco Rampazzo
Intentions and Childbearing
VID Working Paper 6/2017
Zakarya Al Zalak and Anne Goujon
Assessment of the data quality in Demographic and Health Surveys in Egypt
VID Working Paper 5/2017
Raya Muttarak
Potential Implications of China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ Strategies on Chinese International Migration
VID Working Paper 4/2017
Rita Freitas and Maria Rita Testa
Fertility Desires, Intentions and Behaviour: A Comparative Analysis of Their Consistency
VID Working Paper 3/2017 and Human Fertility Database Research Report 2017-003
Krystof Zeman, Eva Beaujouan, Zuzanna Brzozowska and Tomas Sobotka
Cohort fertility decline in low fertility countries: decomposition using parity progression ratios
VID Working Paper 2/2017 and Human Fertility Database Research Report 2017-002
Éva Beaujouan and Tomáš Sobotka
Late Motherhood in Low-Fertility Countries: Reproductive Intentions, Trends and Consequences
VID Working Paper 1/2017 and Human Fertility Database Research Report 2017-001
Tomáš Sobotka
Post-Transitional Fertility: Childbearing Postponement and the Shift to Low and Unstable Fertility Levels
VID Working Paper 9/2016
Mohammed Al Hessan, Stephanie Bengtsson, Judith Kohlenberger
Understanding the Syrian Educational System in a Context of Crisis
VID Working Paper 8/2016
Bernhard Riederer, Isabella Buber-Ennser
Realisation of Fertility Intentions in Austria and Hungary: Are Capitals Different?
VID Working Paper 7/2016
Bilal Barakat
Generalised Poisson Distributions for Modelling Parity
VID Working Paper 6/2016
Judith Kohlenberger, Isabella Buber-Ennser, Bernhard Rengs and Zakarya Al Zalak
A Social Survey on Asylum Seekers in and around Vienna in Fall 2015: Methodological Approach and Field Observations
VID Working Paper 5/2016
Bilal Barakat and Robin Shields
Just Another level? Comparing Quantitative Patterns of Global School and Higher Education Expansion
VID Working Paper 4/2016
David E. Bloom, Michael Kuhn and Klaus Prettner
Africa’s Prospects for Enjoying a Demographic Dividend
VID Working Paper 3/2016
Ivan Frankovic, Michael Kuhn and Stefan Wrzaczek
Medical Care within an OLG Economy with Realistic Demography
VID Working Paper 2/2016
Guy J. Abel
Estimates of Global Bilateral Migration Flows by Gender between 1960 and 2015
VID Working Paper 1/2016
Maria Rita Testa, Valeria Bordone, Beata Osiewalska and Vegard Skirbekk
The Relation between Mother’s Socio-Economic Status and Daughter’s Fertility Intentions in Austria, Italy, Bulgaria, and Norway
VID Working Paper 9/2015
Roman Hoffmann and Raya Muttarak
A Tale of Disaster Experience in Two Countries: Does Education Promote Disaster Preparedness in the Philippines and Thailand
VID Working Paper 8/2015
Johannes Klotz and Richard Gisser
Mortality Differentials by Religious Denomination in Vienna 1981-2002
VID Working Paper 7/2015
Nadia Steiber and Barbara Haas
Overworked or Underemployed? Actual and Preferred Household Employment Patterns in the Context of the Economic Crisis
VID Working Paper 6/2015
Eva Beaujouan, Zuzanna Brzozowska and Krystof Zeman
Childlessness Trends in Twentieth-Century Europe: Limited Link to Growing Educational Attainment
VID Working Paper 5/2015
Guy Abel
Estimates of Global Bilateral Migration Flows by Gender Between 1960 and 2010
VID Working Paper 4/2015
Jeroen Spijker
Alternative Indicators of Population Ageing: An Inventory
VID Working Paper 3/2015
Michael Kuhn and Klaus Prettner
Population Structure and Consumption Growth: Evidence from National Transfer Accounts
VID Working Paper 2/2015
Tomáš Sobotka
Low Fertility in Austria and the Czech Republic: Gradual Policy Adjustments
VID Working Paper 1/2015
Isabella Buber-Ennser
Aspects of Gender Mainstreaming of Family and Work in Austria
VID Working Paper 5/2014
Isabella Buber-Ennser and Ralina Panova
Attitudes towards Parental Employment across Europe, in Australia and in Japan
VID Working Paper 4/2014
Abhishek Kumar, Valeria Bordone and Raya Muttarak
Influence of Older Generation’s Fertility Behaviours on Daughter’s Desired Family Size in Bihar, India
VID Working Paper 3/2014
Tomáš Sobotka and Éva Beaujouan
Two is Best? The Persistence of a Two-child Family Ideal in Europe
VID Working Paper 2/2014
Nikola Sander, Guy J. Abel, Ramon Bauer and Johannes Schmidt
Visualising Migration Flow Data with Circular Plots
VID Working Paper 1/2014
Bilal Barakat
Revisiting the History of Fertility Concentration and its Measurement
VID Working Paper 10/2013
Isabella Buber-Ennser
Attrition in the Austrian Generations and Gender Survey
VID Working Paper 09/2013
Alessandra De Rose and Maria Rita Testa
Climate Change and Reproductive Intentions in Europe
VID Working Paper 08/2013
Paola di Giulio, Thomas Fent, Dimiter Philipov, Jana Vobecká and Maria Winkler-Dworak
State of the Art: A Family-Related Foresight Approach
VID Working Paper 07/2013
Nikola Sander, Guy J. Abel and Fernando Riosmena
The Future of International Migration: Developing Expert-Based Assumptions for Global Population Projections
VID Working Paper 06/2013
Graziella Caselli, Sven Drefahl, Marc Luy and Christian Wegner-Siegmundt
Future Mortality in Low-Mortality Countries
VID Working Paper 05/2013
Stuart Basten, Tomáš Sobotka and Kryštof Zeman
Future Fertility in Low Fertility Countries
VID Working Paper 04/2013
Ethan Sharygin
The Carbon Cost of an Educated Future: A Consumer Lifestyle Approach
VID Working Paper 03/2013
Maria Winkler-Dworak and Heiner Kaden
The Longevity of Academicians: Evidence from the Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig
VID Working Paper 02/2013
Gustav Feichtinger, Alexia Prskawetz, Andrea Seidl, Christa Simon and Stefan Wrzaczek
Do Egalitarian Societies Boost Fertility?
VID Working Paper 01/2013
Raya Muttarak
Is it (dis)Advantageous to Have Mixed Parentage? Exploring Education and Work Characteristics of Children of Interethnic Unions in Britain.
VID Working Paper 09/2012
Maria Rita Testa and Stuart Basten
Have Lifetime Fertility Intentions Declined During the “Great Recession”?
VID Working Paper 08/2012
Isabella Buber, Ralina Panova and Jürgen Dorbritz
Fertility Intentions of Highly Educated Men and Women and the Rush Hour of Life
VID Working Paper 07/2012
Maria Rita Testa, Laura Cavalli and Alessandro Rosina
The Decision of Whether to Have a Child: Does Couple Disagreement Matter?
VID Working Paper 06/2012
Michael Kuhn and Klaus Prettner
Growth and Welfare Effects of Health Care in Knowledge Based Economies
VID Working Paper 05/2012
Nikola Sander and Martin Bell
Age, Period and Cohort Effects on Migration of the Baby Boomers in Australia
VID Working Paper 04/2012
Theresa Grafeneder-Weissteiner, Ingrid Kubin, Klaus Prettner, Alexia Prskawetz, Stefan Wrzaczek
Coping with inefficiencies in a New Economic Geography model
VID Working Paper 03/2012
Anne Goujon, Éric Caron Malenfant, and Vegard Skirbekk
Towards a Catholic North America? Projections of Religion in Canada and the US Beyond the Mid-21st Century
VID Working Paper 02/2012
Paola Di Giulio, Christoph Bühler, Andreas Ette, Romina Fraboni, and Kerstin Ruckdeschel
Social Capital and Fertility Intentions: The Case of Italy, Bulgaria, and West Germany
VID Working Paper 01/2012
Guy J. Abel
Estimating Global Migration Flow Tables Using Place of Birth Data
VID Working Paper 08/2011
Dalkhat M. Ediev
At Modal Age at Death, the Hazard Rate is Determined by its Derivative
VID Working Paper 07/2011
Kryštof Zeman, Tomáš Sobotka, Richard Gisser, Maria Winkler-Dworak, and Wolfgang Lutz
Geburtenbarometer Vienna: Analysing Fertility Convergence between Vienna and Austria. English version - German version
VID Working Paper 06/2011
Gustav Feichtinger, Michael Kuhn, Alexia Prskawetz, and Stefan Wrzaczek
The Reproductive Value as Part of the Shadow Price of Population
VID Working Paper 05/2011
Bilal Barakat
Time is Money: Could Deferred Graduate Retirement Finance Higher Education?
VID Working Paper 04/2011
Fernando Riosmena, Maria Winkler-Dworak, Alexia Prskawetz, and Gustav Feichtinger
The Impact of Policies Influencing the Demography of Age Structured Populations: Lessons from Academies of Science.
VID Working Paper 03/2011
Isabella Buber and Katrin Fliegenschnee
Are you Ready for a Child? A Methodological Triangulation on Fertility Intentions in Austria.
VID Working Paper 02/2011
Thomas Fent, Belinda Aparicio Diaz, and Alexia Prskawetz
Family Policies in the Context of Low Fertility and Social Structure.
VID Working Paper 01/2011
Isabella Buber, Caroline Berghammer, and Alexia Prskawetz
Doing Science, Forgoing Childbearing? Evidence from a Sample of Female Scientists in Austria.
VID Working Paper 09/2010
Holger Strulik, Klaus Prettner and Alexia Prskawetz
RandD-Based Growth in the Post-Modern Era.
VID Working Paper 08/2010
Klaus Prettner and Alexia Prskawetz
Demographic Change in Models of Endogenous Economic Growth. A Survey.
VID Working Paper 07/2010
Priska Flandorfer, Christian Wegner, and Isabella Buber
Gender Roles and Smoking Behaviour
VID Working Paper 06/2010
Bilal Barakat, Johannes Holler, Klaus Prettner, and Julia Schuster
The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Labour and Education in Europe
VID Working Paper 05/2010
Theresa Grafeneder-Weissteiner and Klaus Prettner
Agglomeration Processes in Ageing Societies
VID Working Paper 04/2010
Isabella Buber
Parity-Specific Weights for the Austrian Generations and Gender Survey
VID Working Paper 03/2010
Maria Rita Testa
She wants, he wants: Couple’s childbearing desires in Austria
VID Working Paper 02/2010
Isabella Buber
Wissenschaftlerinnen in Österreich - Zusatzerhebung im Rahmen des GGS.
VID Working Paper 01/2010
Michael Kuhn; Stefan Wrzaczek; Alexia Prskawetz; and Gustav Feichtinger
Externalities in a Life-Cycle Model with Endogenous Survival
VID Working Paper 08/2009
Klaus Prettner
Population Ageing and Endogenous Economic Growth
VID Working Paper 07/2009
Anna Šťastná and Tomáš Sobotka
Changing Parental Leave and Shifts in Second and Third-Birth Rates in Austria
VID Working Paper 06/2009
Klaus Prettner and Alexia Prskawetz
Decreasing Fertility, Economic Growth and the Intergenerational Wage Gap
VID Working Paper 05/2009
Christian Wegner and Marc Luy
Determinants of General Health and Specific Diseases of Elderly Women and Men: A Longitudinal Analysis for Western and Eastern Germany
VID Working Paper 04/2009
Stefan Wrzaczek, Michael Kuhn, Alexia Prskawetz, and Gustav Feichtinger
The Reproductive Value in Distributed Optimal Control Models
VID Working Paper 03/2009
Maike Wendland und Isabella Buber
Ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse der ersten Welle des Österreichischen„Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe“ (SHARE) und der „Österreichischen Gesundheitsbefragung“ (ATHIS)
VID Working Paper 02/2009
Elizabeth Thomson, Maria Winkler-Dworak, Martin Spielauer, and Alexia Prskawetz
Union Instability as an Engine of Fertility
VID Working Paper 01/2009
Theresa Grafeneder-Weissteiner and Klaus Prettner
Agglomeration and population ageing in a two region model of exogenous growth
VID Working Paper 04/2008
Vegard Skirbekk, Anne Goujon, and Eric Kaufmann
Secularism or Catholicism? The Religious Composition of the United States to 2043
VID Working Paper 03/2008
Dalkhat M. Ediev
Extrapolative Projections of Mortality: Towards a More Consistent Method
VID Working Paper 02/2008
Franz Schwarz, Christian Korbel, and Johannes Klotz
Alcohol-related mortality among men in Austria 1981–2002 and the importance of qualification and employment
VID Working Paper 01/2008
Isabella Buber and Henriette Engelhardt
The relation between depressive symptoms and age among older Europeans Findings from SHARE
VID Working Paper 05/2007
Belinda Aparicio Diaz, Thomas Fent, Alexia Prskawetz, and Laura Bernardi
Transition to parenthood: The role of social interaction and endogenous networks
VID Working Paper 04/2007
Dalkhat M. Ediev
On Projecting the Distribution of Private Households by Size
VID Working Paper 03/2007
Kai Biehl und Thomas Fent
Vorausschätzungen für die Entwicklung der Gesamtbevölkerung und der Beschäftigung in Österreich bis 2035
VID Working Paper 02/2007
Gustav Feichtinger, Maria Winkler-Dworak, Inga Freund, and Alexia Prskawetz
On the Age Dynamics of Learned Societies: Taking the Example of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
VID Working Paper 01/2007
Maria Winkler-Dworak and Laurent Toulemon
Gender Differences in the Transition to Adulthood in France: Is There Convergence Over the Recent Period?
VID Working Paper 09/2006
Prskawetz, Alexia, Marija Mamolo, and Henriette Engelhardt
Reconsidering the Relation between Fertility and Key Fertility-Related Demographic Behaviour across Space and Time
VID Working Paper 08/2006
Mamolo, Marija
Union Formation, Marriage and First Birth: Convergence Across Cohorts in Austria, Hungary, Northern Italy and Slovenia?
VID Working Paper 07/2006
Goujon, Anne and Samir K.C.
Past and Future of Human Capital in Southeast Asia: From 1970 to 2030
VID Working Paper 06/2006
Lyngstad, Torkild H.
Does Community Context have Important Bearings on the Divorce Rate?
VID Working Paper 05/2006
Winkler-Dworak, Maria
The Low Mortality of a Learned Society
VID Working Paper 04/2006
Kim, Jungho and Alexia Prskawetz
External Shocks, Household Consumption and Fertility in Indonesia
VID Working Paper 03/2006
Schwarz, Franz
Behavioral Explanation for Educational Health and Mortality Differentials in Austria
VID Working Paper 02/2006
Schwarz, Franz
The Contributions of Diseases to Increasing Educational Mortality Differential in Austria
VID Working Paper 01/2006
Goujon, Anne, Vegard Skirbekk, Katrin Fliegenschnee and Pawel Strzelecki
New Times, Old Beliefs: Projecting the Future Size of Religions in Austria. Deutschsprachige Zusammenfassung
VID Working Paper 10/2005
Ediev, Dalkhat M.
Extension of Fisher's Classical Result on Exponential Dynamics of the Reproductive Value to a Wide Class of Populations.
VID Working Paper 09/2005
Ediev, Dalkhat M.
Long-Term Effects of Childbearing Postponement.
VID Working Paper 08/2005
Philipov, Dimiter, Zsolt Spéder, and Francesco C. Billari
Now or Later? Fertility Intentions in Bulgaria and Hungary and the Impact of Anomie and Social Capital.
VID Working Paper 07/2005 (revised version 06/2006)
Schwarz, Franz
Widening Educational Differentials in Mortality: Analysis
for Austria with International Comparisons.
VID Working Paper 06/2005
Kim, Jungho, Henriette Engelhardt, Alexia Prskawetz, and Arnstein Aassve
Does Fertility Decrease the Welfare of Households? An Analysis of Poverty Dynamics and Fertility in Indonesia.
VID Working Paper 05/2005
Kim, Jungho
Women's Education in the Fertility Transition: The Reversal of the Relationship Between Women's Education and Birth Spacing in Indonesia.
VID Working Paper 04/2005
Kim, Jungho
Learning by Doing and Learning from Others in Contraceptive Technology.
VID Working Paper 03/2005
Heiland, Frank, Alexia Prskawetz, and Warren C. Sanderson
Do the More-Educated Prefere Smaller Families?
VID Working Paper 02/2005
Henriette Engelhardt und Alexia Prskawetz
Arbeitsmarkt und Demographie.
VID Working Paper 01/2005
Sobotka, Tomáš, Maria Winkler-Dworak, Maria Rita Testa, Wolfgang Lutz, Dimiter Philipov, Henriette Engelhardt, and Richard Gisser
Monthly Estimates of the Quantum of Fertility: Towards a Fertility Monitoring System in Austria.
VID Working Paper 04/2004
Schwarz, Franz
Analysis of Inequalities in Waiting Time at the Visit to the Physician using Regression Modeling for Duration Data.
VID Working Paper 03/2004
Prskawetz, Alexia, Tomas Kögel, Warren C. Sanderson, and Sergei Scherbov
The Effects of Age Structure on Economic Growth: An Application of Probabilistic Forecasting to India.
VID Working Paper 02/2004
Engelhardt, Henriette
Fertility Intentions and Preferences: Effects of Structural and Financial Incentives and Constraints in Austria.
VID Working Paper 01/2004
Fliegenschnee, Katrin, Anne Goujon, and Wolfgang Lutz
Neue demographische Szenarien zur Zukunft der Evangelischen Kirche in Österreich.
VID Working Paper 03/2003
Sanderson, Warren C., Sergei Scherbov, Brian C. O'Neill, and Wolfgang Lutz
Conditional probabilistic population forecasting.
VID Working Paper 02/2003
Frejka, Tomas and Jean-Paul Sardon
Fertility Austria: Past, Present and the Near Future.
VID Working Paper 01/2003
Winkler-Dworak, Maria
Food Security, Fertility Differentials and Land Degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Dynamic Framework