Electronic Publication/s

“Healthy Alps” Alpine landscapes under global change: Impacts of land-use change on regulating ecosystem services, biodiversity, human health and well-being

“Healthy Alps” Alpine landscapes under global change: Impacts of land-use change on regulating ecosystem services, biodiversity, human health and well-being


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8460-7
Subject AreaNatural Science
Quality reviewapprobated
Thomas Frank - Johann Zaller - Ronnie Walcher - Raja Imran Hussain - David Brandl - Ines Jernej - Kerstin Michel - Leopold Sachslehner - Arne Arnberger - Renate Eder - Brigitte Allex - Martin Ebenberger - Sarah Böhm - Hans-Peter Hutter - Peter Wallner - Georg Wanek - Nicole Bauer - Mathias Hofmann - Andreas Bohner - Johannes Wessely - Manuela Winkler - Andrej Stefanov

“Healthy Alps” Alpine landscapes under global change: Impacts of land-use change on regulating ecosystem services, biodiversity, human health and well-being

page 1

doi: 10.1553/ESS-HEALTHY-ALPSs1