Electronic Publication/s

Impact of extreme hydrological events on the quantity and quality of groundwater in alpine regions – multiple-index application for an integrative hydrogeo-ecological assessment

Impact of extreme hydrological events on the quantity and quality of groundwater in alpine regions – multiple-index application for an integrative hydrogeo-ecological assessment


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9533-7
Subject AreaNatural Science
Quality reviewapprobated - online
Steffen Birk - Christian Griebler - Johannes C. Haas - Alice Retter - Ainur Kokimova - Constanze Englisch - Santiago Gaviria - Johannes Grath - Heike Brielmann - Christine Stumpp

Impact of extreme hydrological events on the quantity and quality of groundwater in alpine regions – multiple-index application for an integrative hydrogeo-ecological assessment - Final project report

doi: 10.1553/ESS-Integrative-Groundwater-Assessment