Electronic Publication/s

Cyberscience – Research in the Age of the Internet

Cyberscience will be different from traditional science. For two decades already, the scholarly community has witnessed a considerable increase in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). As opposed to “traditional” science that does without networked computers, the notion of “cyberscience” captures the use of these ICT-based applications and services for scientific purposes. The basic assumption of this study is that ICT use impacts on the basic parameters of how academia is organised, of how it functions, and of what it produces.
Cyberscience – Research in the Age of the Internet


Subject AreaSociology and Economics
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print

Cyberscience: Table of Contents

Cyberscience: Front Matter

page V

00 Cyberscience: Project outline and background

page 3

01 Cyberscience: Conceptual framework: definitions and a model

page 21

02 Cyberscience: the new tools - the new working environment

page 67

03 Cyber-sciences - cyber-humanities - cyber-social-sciences

page 107

04 Cyberscience and the spatial dimension

page 185

05 Cyberscience and the distribution of roles in academia

page 235

06 Cyberscience and knowledge representation

page 257

07 Cyberscience and publishing

page 317

08 Cyberscience, quality control and crediting academic output

page 367

09 Cyberscience: economic and legal aspects

page 399

10 Cyberscience and the content of research

page 439

11 Cyberscience and politics

page 465

12 Cyberscience: Overall conclusions

page 479

Cyberscience: Abbreviations, Annexes and References

page A - 3