Electronic Publication/s

Digital Lexis and Beyond

Digital Lexis and Beyond


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8916-9
Subject AreaLinguistics and Literature
Quality reviewapprobated - online
Christina Katsikadeli - Thomas Klampfl - Vladislav Slepoy

Exploring Etymology and Language Contact Through Digital Lexicographical Encoding: The Dictionary of Loanwords in the Midrash Genesis Rabbah (DLGenR)

page 1

doi: 10.1553/DLGenR_Loanwords

Karlheinz Moerth - Daniel Schopper

VICAV 3.0: Zooming in on Lexical Resources

page 1

doi: 10.1553/VICAV

Christian Huber - Benjamin Fischer

Digitising a corpus of Austrian dialect recordings from the 20th century

page 1

doi: 10.1553/OE_Phonogrammarchiv

Asimakis Fliatouras - Konstantinos Sampanis

(Dis)continuities in the diachrony of the Greek lexicon: The learned component in the light of a corpus analysis

page 1

doi: 10.1553/Greek_Lexicon

Eleni Karantzola - Yannis Kostopoulos - Konstantinos Sampanis

Investigating the linguistic representativeness of Early Modern Greek Corpora

page 1

doi: 10.1553/EModern_Greek

Bettina M. J. Kern - Klaus Hofmann - Andreas Baumann - Tanja Wissik

Komparative Zeitreihenanalyse der lexikalischen Stabilität und Emotion in österreichischen Korpusdaten

page 1

doi: 10.1553/Austrian_Corpora

Manfred B. Sellner

“Joy” and “Fear” in Thomas Bernhard’s autobiographies: Aspects of a Computational Sentiment Analysis

page 1

doi: 10.1553/Sentiment_Analysis